Imagineering Meditation

Beloved One, you are so very precious in the eyes of God, in the mind of God, in the heart of God.

Each time you experience a moment of connection and peace, the world changes for the better. With each breathe of love, flowers bloom. As each flower blooms, the fragrance of joy emanates. All who breathe in this fragrance of joy are changed. They see the world differently, if only for a moment.

What if you could live in a constant state of peace, love, connection, and joy?

How would you feel?

How could your relationships change? Your relationships with yourself, your family, friends and community? Your world?

Would you be willing to give up just one thin for that?

Would you be willing to change one aspect of yourself to live in eternal peace and infinite joy?

Could you stop judging?

Judgment if a fundamental aspect of humanness. It is deeply ingrained in the core personality of most humans.

Are you ready to choose evolutions into higher consciousness?

Can you let go of the bond that connects you to the outside world of family dynamics, political fuel, and ratial entitlement?

Can you imagine life without judgment?

Can you imagine life free of the dynamics of judgment?

What does judgment do for you?

When you observe yourself judging others, how do you feel?

Do judgmental thoughts help you to feel safe? Protected? Better than the other?

Do you feel at times that you live in a completely different world than the other? Does that create the sensation of disconnection?

Can you feel how judgmental thoughts create separation that leads to misunderstanding?

Does it seem that you live in such different worlds that you can't connect? There is no common ground to stnad on together?

Or does judgement turn on you?

Do you feel less than others?

Do you judge yourself as unworthy of experiencing a connection with them?

Are they above you in status because of success, money, education, or opportunity?

Is there a "right way" that you don't live up to?

Do you believe that you don't meet higher standards? For what?

Do you feel ashamed or embarrassed by your past, or present, or future?

What if you could step off this amusement park ride of dominance and submissiveness?

What would true freedom and independence feel life in life?

How could your life change?

What could be different?

Are you ready for this quantum leap NOW?

What if you didn't have to process this for years?

What if you could simply choose, moment-by-moment?

You can!

Start now.

What are your feelings expressing now?

Breathe with them.

No judgment.

Nothing is wrong.

Express appreciation for your feelings, whatever they are.

Find a place in you that is grateful for your feelings. They are revealing a pattern that is asking to be elevated into the Light of Love.

If you are feeling ashamed or embarrassed, if you are judging or comparing yourself to others, or feeling afraid, or unworthy in any way, wonderful. These feelings are trying to draw your attention to a belief that is asking to be released into love and peace.


Breathe into the feeling.

Be with it in love and peace.

Ask what it wants you to know.

What does it need?

What does it want?

Be fully present in love with it. Like a mother with a small child, listening deeply and lovingly. Notice what happens when this feeling is acknowledged, loved, heard, seen, appreciated. What changes?

Do you experience a deeper sense of peace? of freedom? of connection? of truth?

What is True?

What is true about you?

What is true in this moment for the situation?

What is true about others who are involved?

Do you feel appreciation? Love? Joy?

Do you feel space opening up within for an expanded sense of your Self? For Spirit? For bliss?

What if momentary choices could result in greater health?

What if each moment of gratitude called forth greater abundance?

What if each self-criticism challenged, yielded to peace?

What if each political view exploded could melt into connection? Understanding?

What if the global symptoms of heat waves, fires, draught, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes could be modulated by you feeling at peace?

What if you could direct love, peace, and appreciation into Mother Earth, your family, community, and the political situation in your country and world?

What if you BEing at peace could help COVID to resolve?

You have just become a Global Master of peace and love. One moment at a time.

Choosing higher consciousness.

You can do it!

You took birth for this reason, at this time.

Imagine that you are an angel, or an ascended master, or a saint. They connect with us through gentle love and joy. No judgment, no hierarchy. They come as equals with us. They awaken within us the remembrance of who we are, and why we are here. They remind us that we are all ONE. WE are never alone or abandoned. WE are always surrounded by a choir of divine BEings who are supporting, loving, and providing for us.

What if you could truly believe that?

What if your daily perspective on life shifted just a bit to always be open for the support and resources that are present?

What if miracles of synchronicity were normal? Expected?

Can you imagine?

When you imagine, you are accessing memory from another life, another reality. You are accessing a glorious aspect of you!

You ARE the Beloved.

You are the Holy Christ Self.

You are the Mind of God.

It's you! Let it BE.

BE love

BE joy

BE hope


Imagine! What could you imagine if there were no limitations?

What could change in your life? Your health, relationships, prosperity, fulfillment, work?

What could you do with limitless resources and time? What would your greatest contribution be? Who would benefit? What could change?

Each time you experience a moment of connection and peace, the world changes for the better. With each breath of love, flowers bloom. As each flower blooms, the fragrance of joy emanates. All who breathe in this fragrance of joy are changed. They see the world differently, if only for a moment.

What if you could live in a constant state of peace, love, connection and joy?

Enjoy this meditation with us!

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